Is mass timber the eco-friendly future of building materials?A major builder shares guidance and a glimpse of more sustainable designs. Reward meets risk during holidaysSurvey: Key shopping months are high season for cybersecurity incidents. Ace Retail Holdings names 'enterprise retail partner' Mi9 will provide software for the company's merchandising and point of sale activities. Lamps Plus adds forecasting tool Seeks to inject forecast accuracy and visibility into replenishment cycles. Beacon builds on ecommerce platform Company adds Leap CRM Project Management Solution EYE on RETAIL: Google and AI Internet giant infuses search with artificial intelligence. Autonomous forklifts are rolling out A Calif.-based company touts future-forward warehouse technology. Tech Talk, with Louws Truss Harnessing robotic power for a competitive advantage. Tech Talk, with Hamilton Building Supply Century-old New Jersey prodealer embraces speed to market. Tech talk, with Ashby Lumber Serving pros in the shadow of tech-industry giants. 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last