Our dealer of the year
In a little less than two months, Gaithersburg, Md.-based TW Perry CEO Michael Cassidy will be called to a podium at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, Texas, during the 2011 ProDealer Industry Summit, an event hosted jointly by the National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) and Home Channel News.
See how they grow
The 2011 Home Channel News Top 200 Pro Dealer Scoreboard has been published — the full list will be available on homechannelnews.com.
The Top 200 lumberyard companies in the nation, ranked by sales, together showed a 1.38% increase in 2010, compared with 2009. That’s the first year-over-year growth spurt for the HCN Pro Dealer Scoreboard since the 2007 list of Top 350 pro dealers was published.
Growth is good.
But how did it happen? How do companies grow when all around them their markets are stalled or declining?