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Target, Inc.

  • Creating the “wow” factor

    As a former store owner, avid consumer and general retail junkie, I really get excited when I walk through a store and find myself thinking “WOW! Look at THIS.” More than once, when really excited, the “Wow!” in my head has extended to my mouth, occasionally to my embarrassment, but more often to either agreement from my fellow shoppers or the appreciation from nearby employees.

  • Home Depot holds analyst meeting

    In addition to his usual talk on “Aprons on the Floor,” the retailer’s initiative to...
  • Depth and diversity help describe show

    As the National Hardware Show prepares to kick off in Las Vegas next week, event organizers say the show continues to attract a line up of retailers and distributors described as "one of the deepest and most diverse" in the show's 66-year history.

  • Target is opening a high-tech home showcase

    A retailer's take on the Internet of Things takes shape. 

  • Made in America, Sold in America

    Lehman’s Hardware is a classic throw-back of a hardware store housed in an 1840s-era barn...
  • Ellison to replace Raines at Home Depot

    Home Depot announced today the promotion of Marvin Ellison to the position of executive vp-U.S....
  • STAFDA brings story lines to Denver

    There was a lot to talk about last year at the STAFDA convention—protectionism, steel prices,...
  • Now in Canada: AZEK building products

    Canada has emerged as a hot destination for home channel expansion. The latest company to enter the massive northern market is Scranton, Pa.-based AZEK Building Products.

    The manufacturer of trim, molding, decking and railings will partner with PrimeSource Building Products Canada for complete national two-step distribution across Canada.

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