At LMC: The eagle has landed
Visitors to LMC’s headquarters in Wayne, Pa., are now greeted by a sculpted, patriotic presence.
The piece depicts a five-foot-high eagle with its wings outstretched. The piece was hand-carved by craftsman Edward Halbert from Kansas City.
Regarding the new addition, the lumber and building materials buying group said, “A fitting medium for one of the largest co-operatives in the lumber and building industry, the eagle is also a symbol of LMC’s position in the industry.
“It not only pays homage to LMC Dealers, who stand as pillars of leadership in the industry, but it also symbolizes their collective strength and the commitment of the entire LMC Team,” said Fran Monk, LMC vice president of marketing. “Like eagles soaring high, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our members.”
LMC acquired the eagle through a silent auction at the 2023 ProDealer Industry Summit held in Kansas City, Missouri in October 2023 and hosted by HBSDealer and the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA).
Brett Hanson of South Dakota-based Tristate Building Center donated the eagle to the auction.
Proceeds from the auction supported the NLBMDA Political Action Committee (LUDPAC), which lobbies for lumber and building material dealers and promotes the industry’s agenda on Capitol Hill.
LMC asked its entire dealer base to suggest a meaningful name for the new addition to LMC headquarters. Several returned the name “Buckley,” which ultimately won the vote from LMC staff.
The name is derived from LMC cofounder James L. Buckley, who initially pitched the idea of a lumber co-operative to Fred Kessler, the president of Central Lumber Company in 1935.
LMC’s membership includes over 1,800 LMC dealer locations in the United States and the Bahamas.