Prior owners Dennis and Sherry Bishop, from left, and their daughter Robin Smith and her husband Eric Smith.
What does Eric like about the business?
“First, I genuinely like to help people, whether it’s finding the right product or just advice which leads to the next thing, problem solving,” he said
“I love a good challenge, and I love to help people figure something out. Last but not least, I enjoy seeing and working with my wife Robin every day.”
Also, what does he find challenging?
“The most challenging part of the business is how quickly plans can change. In a matter of seconds, your plan or goal can completely change. Sometimes it can change several times. You have the day planned out, and within the first five minutes your day is changed,” he said.
“It can be completely pushed back 2-3 days due to shipments, customers, employees, or weather. Some days I feel like I am battling a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. You just keep hammering at the next project, next issue and next challenge that arises,” said Smith.
What’s the best advice Eric has passed along?
“The top two things I try to teach my employees are: One, always under-promise and over-deliver. Your customer will always be happy; and two, it’s ok to tell the customer ‘I don’t know’ but the key is to tell the customer immediately ‘I will find that out for you.’”