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WEBINAR ALERT: What’s ahead for eCommerce?


Sales figures continue to rise for eCommerce, and the holiday buying season has yet to hit full swing. 

How can retailers take advantage of eCommerce? What are retailers doing to put themselves at an advantage in expanding their marketing, improving their convenience, and profitably delivering service to their customers?

Join us for this free webinar, eCommerce: Investing for Success presented by Epicor, and start the new year ahead of the pack.

The event is scheduled for Nov. 19 at 11 a.m. EST.

HBSDealer has assembled a diverse group of industry experts to lead a conversation about how independent hardware and home improvement retailers have benefited from their status as essential businesses, and how to leverage that relative advantage in a post-covid landscape. 

Participants include Jim Robisch, senior partner at the Farnsworth Group; Scott Pesavento, owner of Hemlock Hardware; and Gary Hoffmann, vice president of retail operations at R.P. Lumber. The discussion will be moderated by HBSDealer Editor in Chief Ken Clark.

For more information and to register for the webinar, click here.

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