True Value in the Big Easy
They get their kicks in New Orleans.
The True Value 2024 Spring Reunion kicked off with the opening general session at the Ernest Morial convention center grand ballroom, full to capacity, as dealers listened to Chris Kempa, CEO, tell them, “you are the owners – and we are here for you.”
He said True Value is out to provide the “best-in-industry” support to its dealer-owners.
“You figure out how to resonate in your market. We want to strengthen our back of the house support for you,” he told the crowd.
In 2024, he said, True Value will be investing $20 million in order management and warehouse management upgrades.
“The current system is from the 1980s,” said Kempa, talking about how it’s been time to upgrade, and, “we will continue to improve our fill-rate for your inventories.”
He said that True Value expects 2024 to be flat to down 2%, but there are opportunities to win customers.
“Consumers are more optimistic than ever,” he said.
Cassandra Dye, SVP of sales and service took the stage next to tell the audience, “this is a relationship business and you want a true partnership.”
She said they’ll ask questions about dealers’ goals and visions.
To demonstrate exactly what she meant, she asked the audience, “who has rental services? Show of hands.”
Hands were raised across the large ballroom.
“Lumber?” She asked. More hands. “Plant nursery?” Lots of hands. “Chain of stores?” Hands went up around the big room.
Strategic partnerships are vital, she said. Then asked audience members to write down, “who your partner is – who understands your goals.” And share it with her later on the show floor.
“I mean that,” she said. “We want to be exceptional for you.”
Jake Kalnitz, SVP of merchandising and marketing took the stage last to introduce dealers to a new marketing program True Value is rolling out to help hardware store owners drive more traffic.
“The new ‘Hardware Hero’ concept consists of televsion spots and print ads,” he said as a large screen flashed a demonstration of a True Value commercial with friendly, helpful True Value team members helping customers, and the Hardware Hero tagline voiced-over.
“We want to make the brand stand out,” he said.
Chris Kempa closed the general session with this: “When I visit your hardware stores – that’s my favorite thing to do.”
He said there are opportunities out there. And support is key. “Our theme ‘We are here for you’ is more than a theme, it’s our life.”