Throwback Thursday: 50th Anniversary edition
The very first issue of National Home Center News, the forerunner of HBSDealer, was born on Jan. 13, 1975. HBSDealer is celebrating its 50th anniversary with this special series of Throwback Thursday reports.
On page 13 of Vol. 1, Issue 1, a story under the headline “Home center ads stressing inflation-fighting campaign” describes how retailers were throwing their marketing strength against high prices and behind President Ford’s Whip Inflation Now (WIN) campaign.
The article states: "As inflation continues to crimp consumer spending, more home centers are stressing an economy image in their advertising campaigns.
“Markdowns, price freezes, special values and even ultimatums to suppliers to hold down prices are being used by chains like Scotty’s, Rickel and Plywood Minnesota.”
The article included a quote from Rudy Boschwitz, president of Plywood Minnesota. “At no other time have consumers been so sensitive to price and so concerned about value,” he said. “As a result, every marketing program must focus on money saving promotions.”
John Hutto, marketing vice president for Winter Haven, Fla.-based Scotty’s added: “By tying in with the President’s WIN campaign, we were able to gain additional promotion mileage out of our normal advertising game plan.”
At New Jersey-based Rickel, prizes on 50,000 items were frozen for two months in all 16 of its stores.
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Do you have memories of Rickel's, Scotty’s or Plywood Minnesota? Let us know here.