SRS sharing the wealth with employees
SRS Distribution Inc. announced that two-thirds of its employees will share in the distribution of over $250 million as part of its company equity programs.
Dan Tinker, SRS president and CEO, recently announced the news to employees while recognizing them for their continued hard work, dedication, and commitment to achieving the goals of the company.
“We are committed to changing our employees’ lives for the better,” Tinker said. “Throughout our history, we have focused on providing unique and substantial benefits to our employees, including broad equity participation that drives engagement and loyalty.
SRS will distribute the $250 million to more 4,300 truly employees, the company said.
Based in McKinney, Texas SRS said that, since its inception, the roofing and building products distributor has been committed to broad-based equity incentives and ownership by its employees as highlighted by the ability for all employees to invest directly in the equity of SRS.
SRS also grants stock options to many of its employees, including its branch managers, and recently expanded its equity incentive programs by creating the Equity Growth Incentive Plan.
The equity incentive plan provides front-line employees, not already part of the company’s stock option program, such as drivers, loaders, and inside sales, with the opportunity to participate in the growth of SRS’s equity value. SRS has grown its employee base by approximately 50% over the past three years.
Founded in 2008, SRS Distribution operates under a family of distinct local brands encompassing more than 450 locations across 45 states.