Readers respond: red wave, skilled labor
Your opinion matters to us. That’s why HBSDealer encourages reader letters on all topics related to the business of hardware and building supply. The following letters were recently shared with our staff:
The need for Skilled Trades
I am not a young person any longer, however I know from 42 years of experience in the decorative hardware and plumbing industry how desperate our industry is for young people interested in learning our business. I myself was 19 when I started in the industry as a receptionist without a college education struggling to find a lifetime career. I stumbled into the business and it is my passion.
I love helping people discover the world of decorative hardware and plumbing. I just wish that the generation following us did not spend so much time trying to be a Tik Tok star instead of investing in the infrastructure of our world.
What many people do not realize is that without the trades, there are no houses. Without plumbers and electricians, the lights won't come on and the toilet won’t flush. I hope the teachers in our trades programs are able to HAMMER (no pun intended) this point home to the next generation. Thanks for listening.
—Machelle Wilson
Customer Service Manager
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Red, Blue and Purple
I read the article NLBMDA Analysis: “So much for the red wave” and while there is some merit to what was written, there are huge omissions regarding the administration’s accomplishments, many that help our industry:
• Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
• Roughly 9.5 million jobs added since taking office
• Inflation Reduction Act
• Americas Rescue Plan
These are a few.
It is my hope that the new majority in the house, will work for ALL American’s and encourage their partners on the other side of the aisle to put aside their differences and try to work together.
— Eric Fishbein
Do you have an opinion? Share it with us by sending a note to [email protected].