The retailer’s color palette is handpicked by their trend design team who travel the globe to get ideas and learn about trends.
Paint colors can express warmth. Some hues are subtle. Others, bold. Or cool looking.
“The biggest concern our customers have is picking the right color. The average shopper spends around 90 to 100 days choosing a color,” said Chris Waits, merchandising VP for paint at Home Depot.
Picking a paint color is, “DIY-friendly, but it’s a commitment,” said the VP.
“Color is subjective and personal, plus there are so many choices,” he said, in talking about when shoppers come into the paint department at the big retailer.
“Shoppers want to choose a color that’s on-trend. They want the right finish, and they want their project to go well. Most of the time, they will live with that color until the next time they paint,” said the merchandising VP of paint.
Waits is a 32-year veteran of Home Depot.
He first worked in the paint department in the 1990s, said the retailer, “and now he’s back to ensure the department has a sound strategy for the future.”
He shared the strategy and roles that innovation and sustainability play in the world of paint.
“We’ve really tried to take a lot of the guesswork out for the customer. For starters, we update our color palette every year with the most popular trending colors,” he said.
Their 2023 color palette, for example, “was handpicked by our trend design team who travel around the world to ensure our colors reflect current trends,” said Waits.
There are so many different variables that influence trends, he said. “We’ll see color trends start in fashion and textiles. Then they infiltrate the hospitality industry with high-end hotel and restaurant designs. Then they carry over into residential designs.”