Nominate with Purpose: Golden Hammer seeks you
When you give back to your community and to society, we notice your big heart.
The Golden Hammer Purpose awards honor those with big hearts.
This recognition is for your good deeds in the community: Nominate now your retail hardware stores, home centers and lumber yards.
Once again, as we did last year, HBSdealer will celebrate that special community spirit of sharing and giving back to others that hardware dealers and building supply dealers have shown.
Nominate your service achievements that helped others – in the spirit of community giving – by the October 15 deadline; which is coming up soon.
Share your efforts that have helped others with loving care so those big hearts get recognized for helping the community and society, through your retail hardware and building businesses.
These “Golden Hearts of the Year,” will be honored by HBSDealer during the IBS show in Las Vegas on February 27, 2024, from 5:30-7 pm PST, at the Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel.
For more details, check out the HBSDealer Golden Hammer website right HERE.
Purpose is at the heart of retail hardware stores, home centers and lumber yards. Big hearts full of community service make it happen. Let us recognize your good deeds and be part of the Golden Hammer Purpose awards this year.
For your convenience, the HBSDealer Golden Hammer Purpose nomination form is HERE.
A few details about your Purpose nominations:
- Describe how your hardware store, home center or lumber yard serves its community or gives back to society.
- You can include a photo or two of your community service efforts; include photo captions.
- For consideration to receive a Golden Hammer Purpose Award, your nomination must have been launched on January 1, 2023, or after.
- Multiple entries from a single company are permitted, but separate applications are required for each separate entry.
Now you know the details and you know how to nominate.
Get ready to join the Golden Hammer Purpose celebration in Las Vegas this coming February.
A night to celebrate community. A night to honor Golden Hearts!