NLBMDA talks softwood lumber with Canadian officials
The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) released a statement after meeting with Ambassador Raymond Chrétien and a government delegation from Québec in Washington, D.C.
The two delegations discuss softwood lumber negotiations.
Ambassador Chrétien served as the Canadian ambassador to the United States from 1994 to 2000 during the Clinton Administration and is now Québec’s chief negotiator on softwood lumber.
Here’s what the NLBMDA has to say about the softwood lumber talks and the need for a new agreement with Canada.
“NLBMDA hosted a productive meeting this week with Ambassador Chrétien to discuss the status of softwood lumber negotiations between the U.S. and Canada,” said NLBMDA President & CEO Jonathan Paine. “As supply chain disruptions and affordable housing challenges continue to persist, NLBMDA reiterated its support for a long-term softwood lumber agreement that brings stability to the pricing and availability of softwood lumber. NLBMDA remains committed to working with government officials and stakeholders on both sides of the border to reach a fair agreement that will help resolve the ongoing supply chain challenges impacting LBM dealers and residential construction. NLBMDA would like to thank Ambassador Chrétien and the entire Québec delegation for their visit and we look forward to continued dialogue in the future.”