Video Slideshow: Battling the virus
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HBSDealer's coverage of the industry's response to the coronavirus outbreak includes reports of strategies, tactics and feats of philanthropy. Read more about stories referenced above through the links below.
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How is your business responding to the coronavirus outbreak? Let us know at
- Lowe’s boosts its coronavirus relief fund to $100 million. Read more.
- In light of the crisis, the CEO of BlueLinx cuts his salary to $1 per month. Read more.
- At K&B True Value, the store is open, but the aisles are closed. Read more.
- Coronavirus updates and safety tips from California. Read more.
- The number of states that have deemed lumber and building material businesses as “essential” is growing. Read more.
- Harbor Freight said it will donate its entire supply of personal protective equipment items to hospitals. Read more.
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How is your business responding to the coronavirus outbreak? Let us know at