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Truss the process: labor savings

Roof trusses and pre-cut framing packages are gaining momentum for labor-pressed builders. According to a survey of Home Innovation Research Labs, a division of the National Association of Home Builders, these three labor-saving alternatives were cited for increased usage by more builders than other alternatives.

The 2018 builder survey on anticipated adoption of labor-saving alternatives found Roof trusses as the most likely to pick up the pace. And roof trusses, were even more enticing to big builders, defined as those with 25 starts or more per year.

Here’s what the survey found was the percentage of all builders who plan to use the building strategy more often:

• Roof trusses: 17%
• Pre-cut framing package: 8%
• Turn-key framing: 6%
• Factory-built open wall panels: 5%
• Panelized, pre-assembled floors: 4%
• Modular: 4%
• Precast floor, wall, or roof panels: 4%
• Factory-built closed wall panels: 3%

The same survey found 10% of builders intend to use turn-key framing less, the highest percentage attached to the labor-saving alternatives.

Among big builders, the percentage who said they plan to use roof trusses more jumped to 25%. Pre-cut faming packages were again the second most popular answer – with 14% of builders planning to use it more often.

The results of the survey were delivered during the ProDealer Industry Summit in Chicago, and were part of a presentation by Ed Hudson of Home Innovation Research Labs.
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