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Therma-Tru points to door ROI


A recent study suggests that a new Therma-Tru entry door can increase the perceived value of the home an average of 4.2%, or $18,750.

Conducted in late 2015 by TNS for Therma-Tru, the online survey of 2,400 homeowners, who responded to photos of either enhanced or unenhanced homes, showed that the perceived value of the enhanced homes with a new entry door was -- on average -- 4.2% higher, or $18,750.

“This survey showed very clearly that the perception of higher value is there with an enhanced entry door, whether it’s glass or sidelites or a new entryway configuration,” said Derek Fielding, director of marketing insights and innovation for Therma-Tru. “The research validated what we already suspected, that the front door is a key driver of curb appeal.”

The respondents, homeowners in various regions of the country who had shopped for or purchased a new home in the last three to five years, were divided into two sample groups. They were shown images of enhanced or unenhanced homes in various architectural styles. Each group was also shown images of the same control homes.

The National Association of Realtors lists curb appeal as one of the top five most valuable home improvements a homeowner can make. Additionally, 90% of home buyers will look at photos of homes they’re interested in on the Internet, making curb appeal of high importance.

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