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Same-store sales up at Wal-Mart, Target


According to the International Council of Shopping Centers, June sales at 50 retailers in the United States rose 2.4 percent, up from an initial forecast of between 1.5 percent and 2 percent. Last year, sales rose 3 percent in June.

At Wal-Mart, same store sales increased 2.4 percent. Total company sales, including Sam’s Club stores and international sales, were up 9.4 percent to $35.8 billion and $32.73 billion in June of last year.

At Target, same store sales were up 3.3 percent. Total sales were up 7.6 percent to $5.5 billion from $5.1 billion last year.

At Costco, same store sales rose 6 percent. Total sales rose to $6.35 billion for June, up 10 percent from $5.78 billion in June of last year.

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