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NRF raises the volume on patent trolls again


The National Retail Federation today renewed its push for patent reform legislation, calling on Congress to pass laws that would put an end to “shakedown settlements” from patent trolls.

“Effective patent litigation reform legislation is about stopping the patent trolls’ lucrative business model of asserting meritless patents and getting shakedown settlements,” NRF senior VP David French said in a statement submitted to the Senate Small Business Committee. “Only Congress can pass reform needed to put them out of business for good."

“Retailers who once engaged with small technology providers no longer invest in their innovation out of fear of increased litigation brought by patent trolls,” French said. “Patent trolls have created a chilling effect on retailers’ incorporation of technology in their stores and online.”

The Senate Small Business Committee is holding a hearing today to examine the impact of patent trolls on small businesses.

The hearing also follows the recent release of a study by Unified Patents showing that a record number of patent disputes were filed in U.S. District Court and at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office last year. Two-thirds of the court cases came from patent trolls.

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