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NAHB addresses mental health

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has put together a free webinar that focuses on mental health and the negative impact brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.

As day-to-day routines are altered, the NAHB said the effects on mental health continue, including social isolation, job uncertainty and concerns about the coronavirus itself. 

In the webinar, Headstrong: Mental, Emotional & Behavior Wellness in the Midst of a Pandemic, Patrick Gauthier and Rich Landis of Advocates for Human Potential (AHP) discuss the everyday challenges presented by the pandemic and share steps and concrete strategies that can be taken to cope with stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic.

 The webinar is previously recorded and can be viewed any time.

The NAHB said that it’s important for home builders, and all workers, to address their mental health in uncertain times like these. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, providing an opportunity to address any issues and anxieties around the ongoing pandemic and economic shutdown.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recognizes the need to address the mental health toll of COVID-19 and has created resources to help deal with pandemic-related stress and anxiety.

In conjunction with the webinar, AHP has developed a new guide about staying connected during this isolated period. The Wellness Guide to Overcoming Isolation During COVID-19: Being Connected, Staying Connected, and Choosing Connection is also free to all.

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