Ken Wilbanks set to speak at this year's PDIS
Among the cadre of keynote speakers presenting at this year's Pro Dealer Industry Summit is Ken Wilbanks, a business consultant to the lumber, building materials and home center industry.
Wilbanks cut his teeth working for Home Depot, Lowe's, Ernst Home and Nursery, EBS Building Supply and other industry organizations, ranging from entry-level to executive roles.
As a consultant, Wilbanks provides educational programs, financial and business process analysis, leadership development and executive coaching.
His 30 years of experience and insights run the gamut from marketing to teambuilding, and he brings his knowledge to bear on challenges unique to the industry, such as those experienced by multi-location mixed dealers.
Sponsored by Home Channel News and the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA), The 2014 Pro Dealer Industry Summit will be held in San Diego, California from Oct. 28-30.