Fastener Week II: The CAMO Edge
HBSDealer tightens its visual message for another week of Fasteners.
The CAMO Edge Fastening System was developed to address the pain points of affordability, ease of installation, splinter reduction and the creation of a fastener-free deck surface. The above video demonstrates and explains how the system from National Nail Corp. is “changing the face of decking.”
The CAMO Edge Fastening System is one of several participants in HBSDealer’s Fastener Week II, running through Oct. 12. The HBSDealer Daily Newsletter will feature a new concept, theme or trend from the fastener industry each day of the week.
The CAMO Edge Fastening System is one of several participants in HBSDealer’s Fastener Week II, running through Oct. 12. The HBSDealer Daily Newsletter will feature a new concept, theme or trend from the fastener industry each day of the week.