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At the close of 2009, nine out of 10 companies tracked on the Home Channel News stock roundup showed percentage increases compared with prices a month ago and a year ago.


Based on Dec. 31 prices, Tractor Supply (TSCO) showed the largest monthly gain, while Stanley Works (SWK) showed the biggest annual increase. Only Scotts Miracle-Gro (SMG) failed to show a monthly increase, but the company did show a 34.1% increase over the year-ago price.


Here are the companies, the Dec. 31 prices, monthly percentage change, and annual percentage change:


BECN, Beacon Roofing, 16.00, up 4.1% up 15.3%; FAST, Fastenal, 41.64, up 12.3%, up 21.9%; HD, Home Depot, 28.93, up 6.6%, up 30.6; LOW, Lowe's, 23.39, up 7.2%, up 10.6%; MAS, Masco, 13.81, up 1.7%, up 29.8%; SHW, Sherwin-Williams, 61.65, up 1.3%, up 5.9%; SMG, Scotts, 39.31, down 1.6%, up 34.1%; SWK, Stanley Works, 51.51, up 6.8%, up 56.6%; TSCO, Tractory Supply, 52.97, up 13.5%, up 46.6% WY, Weyerhaeuser, 43.14, up 10.8, up 42.3%

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