Don't overreach, says ladder group
Missing the last step and overreaching were the two most cited issues as the cause for ladder accidents, according to a study completed by the American Ladder Institute (ALI) in 2016. Close behind were failure to use three points of contact and using the wrong ladder for the job. These cited causes of ladder accidents can be easily avoided by taking the following precautionary actions prior to using a ladder:
• Select the right type and size of ladder.
• Set up the ladder correctly.
• Inspect the ladder for damage and wear.
• Use the ladder correctly.
"Most ladder-related accidents can be easily prevented with the proper education, precautionary actions, and safer, more innovative equipment," said Ryan Moss, President of ALI and CEO of Little Giant Ladders. "The American Ladder Institute provides a number of free resources and education that can help you stay safe and get the job done in the most effective way. You can reduce injuries and fatalities! Join us this coming March for National Ladder Safety Month and make ladder safety a priority for your people."
ALI is also encouraging use of #LadderSafetyMonth on social media. Spread the message of ladder safety while showcasing your brand by becoming a sponsor - view the prospectus for information on sponsorship opportunities. National Ladder Safety Month is proudly sponsored by the International Masonry Institute and the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied and Craftworkers.