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D.C. Hotline: Setting the 2011 agenda


The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) recently released its national legislative and regulatory policy agenda.

In it, NLBMDA calls on Congress to encourage financial institutions to renew lending activity that will spur new-home construction, while also encouraging the need to review federal rules and regulations that stifle job creation.

Joe Collings, NLBMDA chairman and CEO of Ferguson Lumber in Rockville, Ind., is among those calling for action. “With the 112th Congress already focused on reviewing and possibly eliminating burdensome regulations, NLBMDA stands ready to work with policymakers to roll back the red tape and costly mandates that have hampered our economic recovery,” he said.

With the dawn of a new Congress, the NLBMDA hopes the 112th Congress proves much friendlier to small business than the 111th Congress.

NLBMDA’s 2011 National Policy Agenda — with statements ranging from tax policy to transportation — has been distributed to members of Congress and key administration officials and can be downloaded at the NLBMDA website,

Jeremy Stine is manager of 
government and public affairs for 
the NLBMDA (

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