D-Blaze earns Greenguard Gold
Viance LLC says its D-Blaze Fire Retardant Treated Wood (FRTW) is the first pressure-impregnated FRTW to earn the Greenguard Gold Certification.
“With the Greenguard Gold Certification, architects and specifiers can be confident in recommending D-Blaze framing lumber and plywood for projects like schools and hospitals,” said Bill Fields, president of Viance. “In addition to its effectiveness in controlling the spread of flames and smoke development caused by fire, D-Blaze now qualifies for The Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Building Rating System.”
D-Blaze is a fire retardant wood treatment that is impregnated into framing lumber and plywood products by pressure process to reduce combustibility and smoke development,
The Greenguard Certification program is part of UL Environment. It’s recognized, referenced or preferred by more than 450 federal purchasers, retailers, green building rating tools and building codes.