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Calling All All-Stars

Fifty retailers -- one from each state -- will again be recognized in the May issue of HBSDealer. And we're looking for a few, good nominations.

Any hardware or building supply dealer that performs at an All-Star level is open for consideration. Generally, All Stars contain one or more of the following attributes:

  1. High levels of customer service;

  2. High performance – growth, sales, profit or any other metric;

  3. Deep involvement in the community;

  4. Innovative culture;

  5. Outstanding merchandising and store design;

  6. Willingness to take risks;

  7. A passion for philanthropy;

  8. Excellence in training;

  9. Ability to adapt to trends and society; or

  10. Generally, just an all-around all-star retailer

Do any of these qualities describe your store, or a retailer in your neighborhood? We’d love your input.

To nominate a retailer for recognition in the STIHL Hardware All-Stars awards program, just send a sentence or two about the store to Please include the retailer's full name, as well as its city and state.

Check out the 2018 class here.
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