Eco Building Products announces mainstream status to shareholders
Steve Conboy, President and CEO of Eco Building Products, Inc., has issued a letter to the company's shareholders announcing the manufacturer's entry into the mainstream market.
"Moving forward with the company's newly focused supply-only operation; a lean, reorganized and restructured company has effectively transitioned from its previous business plan," said Conboy. "Gone are the days of turn-key, labor-driven red buildings; we are now well-positioned to support the supply chain side of the industry by way of coating services and special orders sales."
The company's flagship product, Eco Red Shield protected lumber, is cited for its role in bringing the Eco Building Products name to the big-box retail arena.
Conboy also announced the addition of Disaster Break Coating to its line of Eco Disaster Products, which adds additional mold and fire protection to raw lumber.
Eco Building Products has established a relationship with the as-yet unnamed large national retailer that includes in-store sales, direct to distribution sales and special order sales. Eco's Fire Break and Christmas Tree Protection products will also be available on the retailer's web site.
Additionally, Conboy announced that the company will be launching several special order and direct to store sales pilot programs in the Northeast and Southern California.
According to the company, Eco protected lumber is positioning itself to be the industry standard, particularly in fire and mold-prone regions.