Home Improvement Reckoning: The replay
In the home improvement sector, the year 2020 produced eye-popping business statistics and poured gasoline on slow-burning trends in delivery, technology and shopping experience.
Those trends and more were explored in detail during the latest HBSDealer webinar. Sponsored by Epicor, the “Home Improvement Reckoning and Next Steps” webinar featured the insights of Ethan Chernofsky, vice president of marketing for Placer.ai. His presentation was informed by Placer.ai research.
A replay of the Oct. 7 event is available here.
Trends discussed include product delivery, retail environment, holiday spending and work-from-home impact.
“There are wide-scale shifts,” Chernofsky explained. “Retailers must ask: What are those shifts, and how can I use them to help push me forward?”