HBSDealer’s March issue: Problems Solved
The latest digital edition of Hardware & Building Supply Dealer, with a cover story on building solutions is now available. Click here to read the March issue.
The “Problems Solved” cover story looks into solution-oriented new products, including fasteners, siding, railing, roofing and other game-changing building solutions.
The article quotes Eric Rohrschneider, vice president of marketing for Midwest Fastener: “After supply chain issues and pricing/inflation have taken a lot of focus and attention in the past year or two, we can see a return to focusing on product mis and inventory right-sizing,” he said.
Among the problems solved: random drywall damage, reverse overlap, extreme weather damage and vapor infiltration.
Also in the March issue of HBSDealer:
• “From the Editor” examines the shifting challenges facing the hardware and building supply industry;
• Highlights from the Golden Hammer “Products and Purpose” awards event, celebrating the Golden Hearts of the industry;
• Market insights: a panel of industry leaders share insights on the status of the all-important supply chain;
• Frattallone’s Hardware & Garden of Minnesota experience a brush with organized labor, and here are the highlights.
• Top Women Profile Series: Jailynne Jones, account representative at Metrie, embraces the role of change agent.
The March issue also includes trends in e-commerce.
“First, young pros are buying more online,” said Grant Farnsworth. “This is a fact. And it’s not going away. They discover the convenience. Why drive 40 miles for a product that may or may not be in stock, when you can check online, order online, and go pick it up or have it delivered. It’s become all about these online efficiencies,” said Farnsworth. The second trend, he added, was that contractors are trying out new suppliers based now on pricing first, not availability first, in 2023.
Also inside: People news, Independent Profile and more News & Analysis, including highlights from the biggest industry players.