UPDATE - Home Depot, Praktiker rumors resurface
Home Depot CEO Frank Blake shot down rumors that began circulating late last month that the retailer was considering a takeover of Germany's DIY giant Praktiker AG. When asked by an analyst at the company's annual analyst meeting on June 5, and later in the by reporters, about whether Home Depot was interested in taking over a European company, Blake said simply, "No."
Rumors that Home Depot would consider a bid at taking over the German big-box DIY retailer resurfaced May 28 after shares of Praktiker rose 9 percent, ostensibly on the takeover speculation.
Blake said the retailer is focused on expansion opportunities in China and Mexico, but that rumors about an entry into the European market were just that: rumors. He specifically discussed China, and Home Depot's plans to get its 12 stores in that country into a "profitable model" before a larger rollout some time in the future.
Home Depot has been rumored to be considering European acquisitions on and off for years, as far aback as 2001. Names have included Praktiker and Kingfisher, parent of European chains B&Q, Castorama and Brico Depot.