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Fishing legends and comedy star play it safe


Las Vegas -- Wexford, Pa.-based Safety Works unveiled new products, including a Larry the Cable Guy line of hand, eye, head and body protection, and also a line of hand protection from “The 3 Legends” of professional fishing.

The Larry the Cable Guy licensed products include a “Git-R-Done” hard hat and vests, along with safety glasses branded with a small “Git-R-Done” logo. “Git-R-Done” is the stock phrase of the comedian.

The 3 Legends of fishing line include textured fish grip gloves, high-dexterity fish grip gloves and waterproof cold weather gloves. Images of the three legends -- Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston and Roland Martin -- appear on the packaging.

Both new lines were introduced here at the National Hardware Show, May 7-9 in Las Vegas.


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