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NHS: Here’s what else is new

“It’s all about new, and it’s all about innovation,” says Rich Russo, industry VP for the National Hardware Show

Every year brings new twists and trends to the event. This year’s May 7-9 Show in Las Vegas is no exception, and has more than its fair share of programs and experiments compared to previous years. Here are some highlights.

Interactive Smart Home
Showcased in a realistic and interactive setting of a simulated house in the Homewares area of the Show floor, The Interactive Smart Home allows attendees to walk through and experience featured smart home products.

Tiny Living @ NHS
A historically consumer-focused event, formerly known as the Tiny House and Simple Living Jamboree, the new Tiny Living @ NHS will focus on the business of small building and construction technology, with an array of specialized exhibitors as well as experiences geared towards the tiny house movement. Tiny House Village: Tiny Living @ NHS will feature a curated tiny house village set alongside the popular Tailgate, Backyard & BBQ outdoor area of the Show.

Steals and Deals
Organizers of the 2019 Show are compiling a long list of exhibitors’ “best deals available” — a sort of blue-light special for today’s retailer. These specials will be promoted on the Show’s mobile app, through signage and through touch-screen kiosks on site. “The idea is that you’ll be able to see the best deals on the Show floor,” Russo said.

Hot Hits
For the first time, the Show will allow for instant tracking of hot products, as determined by other attendees. Here’s how: At each of the featured areas – Made in USA, or New Product Launch, for instance — each product on display will have a barcode that will feed into the NHS mobile app, creating a constantly updating live leaderboard of the most scanned products. As more and more scans are happening, attendees will be able to see it in real-time. “If a product is just blowing up with hits, then that’s a product you’re going to want to make sure you check out,” Russo said.

Inventors Spotlight

This popular program returns in 2019, and it’s bringing with it more than 150 inventors with never-before-seen products. Those looking to address the labor shortage affecting the housing industry would do well to visit this area. “These inventors are always looking to solve problems,” Russo said.

And speaking of never-before seen products, Show organizers are working with as many vendors as possible to identify new hardware and building supply products that are being launched at the 2019 Show.
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