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World and Main reports growth in Houston


The organizers of the first World and Main Spring 2016 Houston Market (formerly the Handy Hardware Spring Market) pointed to a number of reasons for scoring its best attendance mark of its last five market events.

Under the new name “World and Main (Houston)”, the event packaged broader product selections, aggressive pricing and promotions, new dealer marketing support programs and a private concert by country music star Kevin Fowler.

“Changing the name of Handy Hardware continues our commitment to integrate our capabilities across our acquired businesses while increasing the value to our World and Main (Houston) customers with our new value proposition: Delivering simplicity. Facilitating success,” said Donald C. Devine, president and CEO. With five North American distribution centers and a strong presence in China, World and Main brings together a unique combination of product development, merchandising, and distribution solutions to its customers.

At the Spring 2016 Market, World and Main (Houston) customers were given the opportunity to purchase products that will enable them to profitably meet competitive price points for branded and own brand products.  More than 600 product manufacturers were on-hand to support dealers with great deals and product information. “It was great to see the dramatic improvement in the market over the last several shows. Everyone, especially the World and Main employees, were really positive,” said Larry Hair, a long time Handy Hardware partner and General Manager, Steve’s Wholesale, Oklahoma. “In our categories, there were all kinds of bargains. There were specials and coupons and three items in particular were pretty spectacular,” he added.

Operating at the intersection where distribution and sourcing meet merchandising and product development, World and Main offers customers quick and easy access to over 75,000 product SKUs across the home, hardware, plumbing and building supply categories, the company said.

“Providing our owned-brand products with new marketing support helps our customers succeed,” said Anthony DeRosa, VP of marketing. “Our customers were delighted to see aggressive owned-brand programs at this market that offer up to 60% profit margin.”


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