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Do it Best rolls out new website


Do it Best Corp. is flexing its digital muscle in 2015 with the launch of a new consumer website, designed with e-commerce and store traffic optimization in mind.

Among the new features and improvements are faster (and more accurate) product searches, an improved store locator tool and a mobile-optimized design. Additionally, the site features a comparison tool for up to four products, a faster checkout process, more robust website security and new social media features.

“The new provides a more robust shopping experience for online shoppers, while also helping to build a strong connection between these customers and their local Do it Best stores,” said Rich Lynch, VP marketing for Do it Best Corp. “Most importantly, this launch is the first in a multi-step process in building an industry-leading digital program as we continue to deliver flexible, affordable and customizable ecommerce solutions to our members.”

The new website has actually been up and running since just before the Christmas selling season, and the co-op says it has already seen some success.

Compared with the previous website, the new one has brought with it a conversion-rate increase of more than 10%, an increase of 4% in the average length of time spent on the site, and a bounce-rate decrease of 11%.

Additionally, online sales were up 45% year-over-year over the Thanksgiving weekend.

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