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The 2024 Top 150

The Industry Leaderboard adjusts to a new reality.
Top 150

What’s true for Newtonian physics at or near the surface of the earth, is true for the hardware and building supply industry.

What goes up, must come down.

After riding an incredible wave of growth, navigating supply chain challenges and reacting to through-the-roof demand, the majority of companies appearing on the Top 150 list produced sales declines in the most recently completed fiscal year.

While the first 50 with each company’s recent business highlights are printed here on pages 20-22, the full Top 150 list is available at Here are some statistical highlights.

• Of the Top 150 companies, 118, or 78.7 percent, showed sales declines for their most recently completed fiscal year (typically the year 2023).

•Of the Top 150 companies, 69, or 46 percent, showed double-digit percentage declines in sales.

• Of the Top 150 companies, 8, or 5.3 percent, showed double-digit sales gains.

• And heavily weighted by the giants at the top of the list, the combined sales of the Top 150 amounts to $417,168,000,000. That’s down 6.3 percent from $445,176,000,000 in the previous year.

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