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Quikrete Industry Dashboard

Consumer Confidence is a highlight of the latest statistical roundup.

The latest version of the Quikrete Industry Dashboard includes evidence of an upgrade in consumer confidence in December.

The New York-based Conference Board reported a Consumer Confidence Index reading of 115.8 for December, up from an upwardly revised figure of 111.9 in November

"Consumer confidence improved further in December, following a very modest gain in November,” said Lynn Franco, Senior Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “The Present Situation Index dipped slightly but remains very high, suggesting the economy has maintained its momentum in the final month of 2021. Expectations about short-term growth prospects improved, setting the stage for continued growth in early 2022. The proportion of consumers planning to purchase homes, automobiles, major appliances, and vacations over the next six months all increased.”

The release schedule of macroeconomic metrics will slow down during the holidays. Coming soon: the unemployment rate will be updated on Jan. 7.

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