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Webinar: Getting the Most Out of Your Traffic and Conversion Program


A lot of retailers reach the stage of installing traffic counters in their stores, but it’s at this point that problems can start. The traffic data can become unreliable or the store operations team may not know what to do with the data or how to apply it, which leaves retailers looking for the expected insights and additional sales.

The fact is, they’re there — retailers just need to know how to find them.

During an informative Webinar, “Getting the Most Out of Your Traffic and Conversion Program,” supported by Chain Store Age, Drug Store News, HBSDealer, and Retailing Today, retailers who are already tracking traffic and conversion in their store, or haven’t implemented traffic counters but are considering it, will obtain valuable insights.

Among the many insights this Webinar will offer are the following five takeaways:

1. Traffic count data – how to spot and deal with quality issues.

2. How to establish trust or regain confidence in your data.

3. The main reasons traffic and conversion programs go off the rails and what you can do to prevent it.

4. 3 important ways to maximize the value of your traffic and conversion program.

5. What’s it worth? How to calculate the potential upside of a fully leveraged and effective traffic and conversion program.

So join presenter Mark Ryski, founder and CEO of HeadCount Corp., on Tuesday, March 1 from 2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST and learn how to maximize the potential of your traffic and conversion efforts.

Click here to register.

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