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Rooted in Germany, Gmaxx hits North American market


A new line of saw blades from German manufacturer Guhdo is armed with “electrostatically applied coating” and a “proprietary grinding process,” the company said.

The company said its electrostatically applied coating is thinner, stronger and more uniform over the body of the blade. The Gmaxx coating and grinding processes provide longer blade life and superior blade performance, according to Guhdo, and are designed for use on table saws, radial arm saws and chop / miter saws.

"Gmaxx represents real, meaningful advances in saw blade technology,” said David Kerr, group VP at Guhdo. “We wouldn't have introduced the line unless we had product that significantly raised the bar." 

Gmaxx blades are available in a variety of specifications, from 7-1/4-in. to 14-in. diameter.

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