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PressurePlus offers a level-up for pressure-treated lumber


New from The Sansin Corporation is PressurePlus, a one-step, deep penetrating, natural wood treatment for all types of pressure-treated lumber.

“Maintaining wood with PressurePlus will ensure long-lasting color retention, effective water repellency and exceptional dimensional stabilization,” said VP Sjoerd Bos. “We are confident PressurePlus is the best treatment on the market for new and old pressure-treated wood.”

PressurePlus penetrates the substrate of wood to offer UV-resistance and a natural brown tone, as well as increase the wood's dimensional stability.

It's also VOC-compliant, breathable, water-repellent, translucent and environmentally friendly.

The treatment is also available as PressurePlus Light for a lighter brown tone treatment.

They will be available for sale through Lowe’s and leading building products suppliers in the retailer’s pre-treated wood products department.

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