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Now this: America needs painters

There’s a shortage of qualified professional painters in the United States, and Sherwin-Williams says it is doing something about it. The company launched an initiative designed to make it easier to find qualified painters and to increase the number of people who enter the painting profession.

Part of the plan is the launch of the recruiting web site:

“The concern we’ve been hearing from many of our partners is real,” said Jeff Winter, vice president of marketing at Sherwin-Williams. “The data shows that fewer people are choosing to become professional painters, and the problem is likely to get worse unless we act now. This is just one way we will continue to work with our professional painting partners to ensure they can grow their businesses profitably.”

The initiative will focus on three major areas: Career advocacy, education for new painters, and recruitment resources.

• Career Advocacy – Greater demand for professional painters coupled with an aging labor force has created an urgent need for new painters. Sherwin-Williams new “Paint Your Path” program will educate job-seekers on the painting industry and highlight the benefits of a painting career, including the ability to create a desired lifestyle, pride in craftsmanship and opportunities for wage growth.

“Fewer people are aware of the many benefits of choosing painting as a career,” Winter said. “Specifically, many young people don’t realize the flexibility, earning power and sense of accomplishment that comes with a painting job well done. Our mission is to be better advocates for this important trade.”

• Painter Training – As part of Paint Your Path, Sherwin-Williams is developing a wide array of online courses to help new painters strengthen their professional painting skills. The online learning portal keeps track of completed courses and provides resources to reinforce the skills learned.

“We envision these courses as helping to build a strong foundation so that painters are ready for their first job,” Winter said.

• Recruitment – Sherwin-Williams will also be providing employers with materials and instruction along with a human resources toolkit to help make recruiting efforts more successful and less stressful.

“By attacking the problem on these three fronts, Sherwin-Williams hopes to be a part of the solution and help our partners continue providing excellent painting services to customers while strengthening their businesses,” said Winter.

Sherwin-Williams’ move comes at a time of deep concern for recruitment across the LBM industry. For years, lumberyard operators and other voices have pointed to the need and shortage of professionals in a wide variety of trades.  In a recent poll, readers of HBSDealer identified “recruiting and retention” as the leading challenge facing their respective companies.
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