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NAICS 444 up 8.3% in July


Retail sales got a sizeable boost last month, jumping 0.6% from the previous month and 4.2% above July 2016.

Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for July were $478.9 billion. Retail trade sales were also up 0.6% from June 2017, and up 4.3% from last year.

Within the retail space, nonstore retailers experienced the biggest jump, increasing 11.5% over last year.

However, building materials and garden equipment & supplies dealers (NAICS 444) were in a close second, up 8.3% from last year and 1.2% over last month.

The categories that did as well -- or better -- on a monthly basis included motor vehicle & parts dealers, up 1.2%; miscellaneous store retailers, up 1.3%; and nonstore retailers, up 1.3%.

Electronics stores brought up the rear, down 0.5% for the month, together with sporting goods, hobby, book & music stores, down 4.2% for the month.

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