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Mr. Clean scrubs Times Square


For a big party, an even bigger cleanup.

In a cleaning crusade that helped promote the new Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle, a 25-person "Mr. Clean Team" worked alongside the New York City Department of Sanitation and the Times Square Alliance on Jan. 1 to give the area a thorough scrubdown following the massive New Year's celebration.

Led by "The Accidental Housewife" Julie Edelman, the teams had an extra hand in the form of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle, a new concentrated cleaning gel. The cleanup used 22 trucks, 24 mechanical sweepers and 37 backpack blowers to clear an estimated 40 to 50 tons of confetti that rained down when the ball dropped.

"I'm eager to help the Mr. Clean team on New Year's Day and show just what one drop of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle can do," Edelman sad. "If Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle can help clean Times Square on New Year's Day, imagine what it can do in your home."

The new cleaning product from Procter & Gamble claims to have 2.5 times more power in every drop versus Mr. Clean 40oz. It also boasts a new auto-stop cap feature that delivers the right amount of cleaning gel with one squeeze -- free of mess.

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