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Houzz survey says it's lawn upgrade season


If homeowners are paying attention to their outdoor living spaces this spring, chances are pretty high they're looking to make substantial renovations to their yards.

The 2016 U.S. Houzz Landscaping Trends Survey found that nine in 10 outdoor renovators are substantially updating their yards, adding major features such as outdoor systems (82%), beds and borders (80%) and structural elements (72%).

What's more, these projects tend to involve large budgets. When it comes to minor projects, the majority of homeowners budget or spend less than $5,000 (86%). For complete outdoor overhauls, over two in five budget or spend $20,000 or more, according to Houzz.

These big-ticket updates are also leading over half of the respondents to enlist the help of a landscape contractor, architect and/or designer for their projects (52%).

“Nearly half of outdoor renovators spend six or more hours a week in their yards, motivating them to invest in major features that transform the outdoors into additional living spaces,” said Nino Sitchinava, principal economist at Houzz. “Hardy plants, LED or solar lighting, and hardscapes in place of lawns are some of the popular low-maintenance choices. Some homeowners are also installing motion-sensitive lighting and precipitation-sensitive irrigation to minimize routine upkeep.”

Among the top challenges for outdoor upgraders: drainage and privacy. Drainage is tops for renovators in the South (40%), while the water shortage is a priority in the West (46%).

One in five homeowners upgrading outdoor spaces are adding or upgrading rainwater harvesting systems (18%), with rain barrels as the most common collection method (78%).

Pets also play a large role in outdoor renovation motivation (moreso than children). That's a difference between 42% who are making pet-related upgrades, versus 33% making upgrades for children and grandchildren.

Top updates for cats and dogs include a space to run and play (35%), toxin-free plants (24%), fenced-off areas (20%) and paths for exploring (13%).

For kids, room to run and play was also major (35%), followed  by edible plants (24%) and a fence around the yard (19%). Recreation and lounging features are also common, including hammocks, play/climbing structures, and trampolines (14, 13 and eight%, respectively).

Other common updates include lighting (57%) and new plants, which are often low-maintenance (78%) and flowering (71%).

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