"Understanding lumberyards have developed and will continue to develop relationships with product suppliers presents potential issues worthy of deeper consideration. On the one hand, there are opportunities for product suppliers to develop direct relationships with lumberyards that can be mutually beneficial, resulting in more optimum positioning for their products. On the other hand, suppliers hold long-standing relationships with their two-step distributor partners. The decision to transition from a partnership to what may seem like a competitive stance should not be taken lightly."
New data on lumberyard purchasing trends
How are lumberyards sourcing products these days?
Principia, a building materials consulting firm, recently set out to gather data on that specific front. It found, among other interesting conclusions, that purchasing trends may be shifting more toward buying directly from manufacturers (as opposed to more traditional two-step distribution means).
Principia explains the implications and possibilities such a shift might bring about:
As Principia's chart above shows, lumberyards are increasingly sourcing decking (39 percent), fencing (34 percent) and, especially, windows/patio doors (47 percent) directly from product manufacturers.
Regardless of your company's purchasing tactics, this could be a broader industry trend to monitor and account for.