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Incoming chair advances the mission of NLBMDA


During the 2012 ProDealer Industry Summit in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 24 to 26, Chuck Bankston of Bankston Lumber will be inaugurated as National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) chairman during the annual Officers Installation Dinner.

Here are some of the fourth-generation pro dealer’s thoughts on the importance of the national group:

On the priorities of the NLBMDA:

“As of right now, I think the most important way we can represent our members is by encouraging our government to lift unnecessary regulatory burdens on our industry. From overreaching environmental regulations to taxes, these costly burdens continue to stifle growth in the building supply industry.”

On the people of the NLBMDA:

“I've really enjoyed meeting other dealers and suppliers from across the country. Our members care deeply about our industry, and I get a lot of personal satisfaction out of working with them to benefit our industry.”

On reasons to join and participate:

“This industry has been very good to my family for decades. I think most of us owe it to our industry to give something back, whether it's time or money. Speaking of money, most people don't realize that the yearly NLBMDA membership dues cost less than sponsoring a Little League baseball team in their hometown. NLBMDA members get a lot of bang for their buck. However, it also takes involvement to make sure our voice is heard in Washington."

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